Giving back to your community and serving others is its own reward, and no one knows this better than USANA Associates Ms. Wang Weijing and Mr. Dai Jie. They’ve spent the past decade working together with their Jingying team to raise awareness and help children in need in China.
And thanks to their impact and inspiring mission, we’re excited to announce they’ve won our 2020 USANA Foundation Ambassador Award!

Do Good, Feel Good
Ms. Weijing and Mr. Jie know true success comes from motivation, hard work, and planning. As part of the healthiest family on earth, they also understand the importance of relationships, and deeply empathize with parents of children with health issues.
The Jingying team hosts events and works with the Foundation to raise money they use to support the health and growth of children with congenital heart disease and special needs, such as autism, and at-risk kids in poor areas. Their team works tirelessly, and their efforts lead to happier, healthier children—and relieved parents.
Every Day Makes a Difference
In 2016, Ms. Weijing started a “one cent a day” donation program within her team and invited more than 170 people to participate. They raised over US $2,000 in the first month. Since then, they have collectively raised an incredible US $70,000—that’s a whole lot of global meal relief.
And difficult times haven’t stopped Ms. Weijing or Mr. Jie. During the current pandemic, the whole Jingying team rallied together to donate over $10,000. Even those who recently joined the team, or who may not have much to give, pitched in to support their community.
A Heartfelt Thank You
We can’t thank Ms. Weijing and Mr. Jie enough for their contributions. They have found ways to achieve self-improvement, both inside and outside of the business realm. Their success is hard earned and truly deserved. Honoring them with our USANA Foundation Ambassador Award is a small way to say thanks on behalf of all the families and children whose lives they have touched so deeply.
You can also become a USANA Foundation Ambassador, changing the world for good as you grow your business. Make an impact by committing to serve regularly in your community, offering a monthly donation, and sharing the Foundation’s mission.
Have you ever felt inspired as you dedicated time in the service of others? Share your powerful moments in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.
Remember, 100 percent of all donations made to the USANA Foundation always go to change the lives of those most in need around the world.
回馈社区和服务他人本身就是一种回报,没有人比USANA特许专营商Wang Weijing女士和Dai Jie先生更清楚这一点。在过去十年里,他们和他们的菁英团队一起努力提高人们对问题的意识,帮助中国的贫困儿童。
由于他们产生的影响力和启发人心的使命,我们兴奋地公布,他们赢得了我们的2020 USANA基金会大使奖!
您也可以成为一位USANA基金会大使,在改善世界的同时发展自己的事业。承诺定期为自己的社区服务、每月捐款,并分享基金会的使命,这些都能改变他人的生活。 在您奉献时间为他人服务时,您是否曾深受感动?在下面的评论区分享您的精彩时刻。我们希望聆听您的分享。