A Year Of Changing Lives

2017 was a busy, busy year at the Foundation. Click here- 2017 THF Annual Report -to read about all the awesome ways through which we were able to change lives across the world.

In addition to this, our China associates have continued to serve and make a difference within their different communities. See below for all the amazing service they have spearheaded recently:


Branch Year Description
宁夏   NINGXIA 2018 2018年2月6-7日,小荷花团队的吴越菊、陈莉两位伙伴,和所在公益组织的爱心伙伴,以及兴庆区八里桥社区联合组织了“新春节前‘爱心送温暖’活动”。通过两天的爱心行动,三个爱心组分别对银川市三区的22个特困家庭进行了走访慰问,为他们送去了米面油等生活物资。还有少部分社会流浪人员,因没有户口等证明,无法享受政府资助,此次也一并收到了粮油和社会公益组织及政府的温暖和问候。 On February 6-7, 2018, Wu Yueju and Chen Li from Xiao Hehua team, and the charity organization, together with the Bali Community of Xingqing District were organized the “ Warmth from the Heart” activities before Chinese New Year.  Through this two days of loving activities, these three loving groups have visited 22 special families in Yinchuan City and sent them gratitude, rice, oil and other living materials. There are also a small number of homeless people who have not been able to enjoy government funding because they have no proof of residence registration also can received warmth and greetings from the grain industry, public welfare organizations and the government at this time.
2018 孔令燕、汤甜是“心手相牵,相亲相爱”关爱石油城留守儿童同心圆志愿者服务队的成员。2017—2018年参加了留守青少年关爱项目正式启动,为留守青少年带去系列课程,如情绪管理、让梦想飞翔&大声说出你的爱、青少年财商及“一书一世界&一语一天堂”等。用爱心和责任心,关注留守青少年的成长历程 Kong Lingyan and Tang Tian are members of the Volunteer Service Team of the Left-behind Children Concentric Volunteer Team. 2017-2018 they participated in the official launch of the Left-behind Youth Care Project to bring a series of courses for left-behind teenagers, such as emotional management, achieving dreams, sharing love, juvenile finances and share books & thoughts etc. They pay attention to the growth history of left-behind teenagers with their love and responsibility.
北京  BEIJING 2017 2017年11月21日葆婴善行玫瑰爱心团队在南京举办了回顾10年公益行”关爱先心病儿童”公益活动。当天活动善行玫瑰爱心团队为真正健康共捐赠了2万元爱心善款。善行玫瑰团队坚持10年公益行,爱心传递在葆婴! On November 21, 2017, the Babycare Rose Loving team held a public service activity in Nanjing for reviewing the 10 years of charity activities for children with “caring for congenital heart disease”. On this activities day, the good-hearted Rose Loving team has donated 20,000 yuan for True Health Foundation. Their team upholds the charity for 10 years and loves to be passed on!
2018 2018.2.12 日 候美玲团队二十多位伙伴带着过年必备的年货和营养食品,来到廊坊安次区码头乡,永清乡,固安等平困村,为那里的孤寡老人送去了新年的礼物和祝福。 2018.2.12 Today, the Meiling team of more than 20 members have brought the New Year’s goods and nutritious foods to the wretched villages in Wharf Township, Yongqing Township, Gu’an District, Langfang, and given to the widowed and old people their New Year’s gifts and wishes.
江苏   JIANGSU 2018 2018年的元宵节,五星钻石首席经销商杨明和张啸带领“江山爱心之家慈善团队”来自于全国各地的志愿者们,顶着寒风走上街头义卖花灯等,总计为先心病得患儿筹得善款16万元。 In the Lantern Festival of 2018, , the 5 Star Diamond Director Yang Ming and Zhang Xiao, led the “Jiangshan Caring House Charity Team” from volunteers from all over the country. They were selling the lanterns etc. at the streets in cold whether for contributing to congenital Children heart disease and had raised funds of 160,000 yuan.
2017 聚迪慈善爱心之家慈善团队于11月9日下午在常州举办了一场《开启孩子一生幸福的密码》爱心专题讲座。
本次爱心专题讲座特邀了我们国内营养学与教育界的四位重磅专家,  张宝文先生和谢春燕女士一起把本次会议所得10万元捐献给了我们的“天使之心”健康基金项目。
On the afternoon of November 9th, Judy Charity Love House Charity Team held a “Love Code to Open a Child’s Lifetime Love” Special Lecture in Changzhou.
This special lecture on love invited four heavyweight experts in nutrition and education in China. Mr. Zhang Baowen and Ms. Xie Chunyan donated 100,000 yuan from this conference to our “Angel Hearts” health fund project.
深圳   SHENZHEN 2018 2018年1月20日,深圳分公司经销商团队,正象健康汇的家人们,一起来到久未踏入的邮局,给远在贫困山区学校里,那些未曾谋面的孩子们寄棉服。
On January 20, 2018, the Shenzhen branch leadership team, like the family members of Healthy Home, came to the post office that had not entered the past and sent cotton clothes to children who had never met in poor mountain schools.
Daji Temple School is located in Baiyu County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. At the altitude of 3800 meters in the east of Atach, the weather is extremely cold and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. The winter is as long as seven months. Children lack food and clothing, and they have no place to bathe. The conditions are very difficult, a winter dress for them is very speical gift to them.
The members of Healthy Home have donated their own clothes with their gratitude and dedication, they sent warmth heart to the children and helped the children to spend the winter with limited power.
长沙  CHANGSHA 2017 孚络健康《孕期营养与健康》公益讲座-走进长沙市第一医院和安贞医院,让妈妈们关注孕期营养~彭明老师在课堂上教会妈妈们如何做好孕产期的合理营养,应维持孕前平衡膳食。善食清淡,适口,少食多餐。保证足够富碳水化合物足的食物,多摄入富含叶酸的食物并补充叶酸。如何为孕期每一个阶段提供充足均衡的营养。 Fuluo Health’s “Nutrition and Health during Pregnancy” Public Welfare Talk – Entering the First Hospital of Changsha and Anzhen Hospital, teaching Mothers Pay Attention to Nutrition During Pregnancy –  Peng Ming teacher taught the mothers how to do a good job of nutrition during pregnancy and childbirth. They should maintain a balanced diet before pregnancy by eat light food, palatable, and eat less. Ensure foods rich in carbohydrates, intake of foods rich in folic acid and folic acid supplements. Also know how to provide adequate and balanced nutrition for each stage of pregnancy.
孚络健康管理中心创始人彭明先生携手公司成员一起走进长沙市第一福利院,把USANA葆婴的爱与感谢文化传递给身边需要帮助的人,为孤残儿童贡献一份自己的力量。 Mr. Peng Ming, founder of the Vermont Health Management Center, joined the company’s members have entered the First Welfare Institute in Changsha and passed the love and appreciation culture of the USANA Babycare to the people in need, and contributed their own strength to the disabled children.
陕西    SHAANXI 2018 2018.4.11晚上10点多当我们在微信上看到“西宁一家三口陇南遭遇车祸,丈夫不幸遇难,妻子重伤,8个月婴儿头部缝合140针嗷嗷待哺”的消息时,心里非常难受,陕西分公司经销商:黎应华,孙一琼,李月华,魏婷婷,王小艳……作为妈妈我们本能的反应是要去照顾下孩子的生活,于是我们不约而同打听孩子的情况,第二天一早去医院给孩子必要的帮助,带去了奶粉,尿不湿,米粉,衣服,玩具,这些都孩子的必备物品,可是孩子因为惊吓,又没有妈妈在身边,哭的不吃不喝,哺乳期的好心家人们去给孩子哺乳,我们在换了奶瓶奶嘴后,孩子慢慢的吃起来,心中多了一分安慰,刚好赶上当地记者采访,记录了这个场面,后续有伙伴捐款,送衣物,给了孩子和他的家人一点绵薄之力。 2018.4.11 At 10 o’clock in the evening when we saw on the WeChat message that the Xining family of three in Weinan was in a car accident, her husband was killed, his wife was seriously injured, and her 8-month-old baby’s head was stitched with 140 needles, we were so sad. Associates from Shaanxi Branch Office : Li Yinghua, Sun Yiqiong, Li Yuehua, Wei Tingting, Wang Xiaoyan… As a mother, our instinctive response is to take care of the child’s lives. So we inquire about the child’s situation, and we go to the hospital the next morning to give the child necessary help. Bringing milk powder, diapers, rice flour, clothes, toys, these are essential items for the child, but the child is scared because he doesn’t have mothers around and just crying without eating or drinking. Finally they found someone that can breastfeeding and changed the nipples bottle, the child slowly felt a little more comfort in the heart. I just caught up with local reporters and recorded the scene. Follow-up with donated money, sent clothes, gave the child and his family a little bit of strength.
广州   GUANGZHOU 2018 榜样领航爱心之家再度出发,我们在广东连平上坪镇西南联办小学,献上我们的爱心,然后再村长的带领下看望了5户最贫困家庭。 The model piloted of the Caring House is coming again. We started our elementary school in the southwest of Shangping Town, Lianping County, Guangdong Province, and offered our love. Then, under the leadership of the village head, we visited the five most impoverished families.

We at the Foundation are in awe of all that has already been accomplished, and remain excited to see how much more the #USANAFamily will accomplish together this year.

Remember, 100 percent of all donations made to the USANA True Health Foundation ALWAYS go toward changing lives across the world.


About Us

We believe everyone should have access to quality nutrition.

We Are Unique

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. covers 100 percent of the Foundation’s operating expenses so that every dollar donated can do the most good for those in need.

Our USANA Family

The 500,000+ USANA sales associates worldwide are advocates for advancing health and unlocking potential in others. Their donations, plus the generosity of their friends and customers, are the lifeblood of our work. USANA Foundation Ambassadors are leaders in their own communities, identifying needs and actively serving others. Click here to find out more about becoming an Ambassador.

Powerful Partnerships

The USANA Foundation works with dozens of local and international organizations — experts in delivering on-the-ground aid to those who need it. Together we can provide effective and sustainable long-term solutions.


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